Company Documents
Keep all your files safe and accessible. Designed specifically for use on building sites.
Manage all company documents

Our secure and paperless feature stores all your documents in one location, making it easier than ever for staff to access. This makes it an ideal feature for permit review papers, new records for workers and much more. Combine with our Project Drawings and Project Documents features for everything you need to keep your paperwork organised.

Securing sensitive information

We provide guaranteed security with our classification framework. Separate paperwork into categories and control who has access to each group this keeps your documents secure and makes them easy to find.

Company-wide document solution

Our software is designed with your entire company in mind whilst ensuring your team only sees the documents relevant to them.
The signing feature is ready for your Health & Safety officer to use with your team on-site.

Bulk upload your company documents

With a single click, you can attach all of your important documents to your company in one place.

Check out a short demonstration of how it works

Watch our short demonstration of how the Company Documents feature looks and operates.



Reports can be generated to provide daily summaries or emails whenever a Company Document is created, so you’re always in the loop.


Like most features within BuilderStorm, the Company Documents feature is mobile friendly and can be used on all smart phones on the go.

Export to PDF/CSV

All Company Documents can be exported to a PDF/CSV as a detailed or summarised report. This is great for sharing your Company Documents with other members of the project, who may not have direct access to the system.