Easy Construction Photo Storage at your Fingertips

Another one of the many benefits of BuilderStorm’s construction project management software is construction photo storage or the ability to save photos for every single one of your projects within its own folder on the cloud. This means you have immediate access to all of your photos on any device; all you need is an internet connection. You can upload photos from your office desktop or you can take photos on-site with your phone and upload them immediately. Everyone within your project team can then immediately view the files which are timestamped to help with monitoring of progress on any given project.
Keep Clients in the Loop with Construction Photo Storage Software
Instantaneous access to your construction project photos and other data is available with just a few clicks of the mouse or taps of a screen thanks to BuilderStorm’s construction photo storage software. This makes it easier than ever to keep your clients up to speed with the latest developments, allowing them to see the progress for themselves. This feature will also prove invaluable when it comes to audit trails and the like. With unlimited storage, you can upload as many photos as necessary for multiple construction projects at a time. An integrated comment feature enables you to leave feedback or descriptions on individual photos where needed.
Drag and Drop Images into Groups through construction photo storage
Uploading image files to BuilderStorm’s construction photo storage software is an undeniably fast and simple affair. With an incredibly user-friendly drag and drop interface, sharing photos with your project team takes no time at all. Images can be grouped together under a particular title if they refer to a particular aspect of the project which makes it really quick and easy to find the specific images you are looking for when meeting with colleagues or clients. You can also download images whenever you need to – a zipped file download feature enables you to pull images onto any device with speed and ease.
Share Images with Construction Project Team Members
A button to the right of each gallery enables you to share that particular gallery with a specific user from your team. Our photo construction software interface enables you to view thumbnails of all images in a gallery mode, allowing you to keep a handle on everything. If you need to view a particular image in more detail, it’s easy – simply click on that image’s thumbnail to immediately view it full size within your browser window. You can also view mid-sized thumbnails within a gallery by clicking on the name of that gallery, affording you a lot of versatility when it comes to browsing images. This helps you to quickly find the gallery and image you need.
Communicate, Collaborate and Interact
The ability for everyone in the project team to have quick and easy access to images whenever they want is guaranteed to optimise both communication and efficiency. As well as the afore-mentioned ability to group images together under specific titles, there is also a rapid and user-friendly search function which enables you to swiftly find the image you need when you need it. BuilderStorm’s innovative construction photo storage software is certain to streamline communication and optimise efficiency, saving you time and money.