Keep Track of your Employees Progress Anywhere, Anytime

To Keep track of your employees progress, every single on of them, whilst monitoring their progress is one of the keys to a successful construction project. Not only does this help you to nip problems in the bud, it also ensures that you help your teamwork to their optimal potential and achieve maximum efficiency. BuilderStorm features a fully integrated construction project diary system which enables individual users to log entries which can then be commented upon by yourself and other team members and collaborators. As well as text-based entries, there is also the ability to upload images and other files. Our building diary software also automatically logs local weather conditions which can quickly flag up adverse weather that might affect a particular aspect of a project.
Construction Diary Software on the Move
One of the key features of BuilderStorm‘s building project diary is the ability to keep track of your employees progress whilst on the go. Wherever you have an internet connection you can view diary entries or log new ones. This can prove particularly useful on-site if you need to take images on your smartphone and upload them instantly. BuilderStorm is both mobile and tablet responsive which means you can keep track of what’s happening wherever you are whether you are working from home, in the office, out at a meeting or at a construction site. Logging into our browser-based software is quick and easy and you can create user profiles for each member of your team, enabling you to stay up to date with the progress of each of your workers. This means that you can leave instant feedback on diary entries and help to resolve issues or clarify instructions where necessary. You can quickly respond to any potential setbacks and find workarounds as quickly as possible, saving you both time and money.
Edit, Update and Attach Files to Individual Diary Entries To Keep track of your employees progress
Diary entries are presented within an attractive, streamlined interface which enables you to click into a particular entry to view more details. To the right of each diary entry are buttons to quickly edit that particular entry or to attach files which is sure to come in useful when a worker needs to illustrate a particular aspect of the project at hand with an image or illustration. You can also generate custom fields to log any particular data which is necessary for a specific project. Workers can update construction project diaries instantly which means you and the rest of your team are always fully up to speed on what is happening to keep track of your employees progress. This leads to all-around improved communication and transparency which will inevitably boost productivity whilst also helping you to spot any delays and potential problems before they become costly hindrances to efficiency. To keep things uncluttered to be able to keep track of your employees progress, you can also remove diary entries on finished projects if you want. This is optional – there is unlimited storage capacity for diaries on new projects so storage space never need be a limitation.